Sukma: Jurnal Pendidikan 2024-07-01T00:45:52+00:00 Ratno Lukito Open Journal Systems <p><em><strong>SUKMA: Jurnal Pendidikan</strong></em> is an academic journal bi-annually published in Indonesia. It covers issues related to education in general: teacher, student, school management, curricula, teaching methods, teaching evaluations, education best practices, learning materials, et cetera.</p><p>In publishing articles, <strong><em>Sukma: Jurnal Pendidikan</em></strong> implements a double-blind review process involving scholars from the entire world.</p><p><span>Sukma: Jurnal Pendidikan has been </span><span>accredited</span><span> as </span><strong><a title="Sinta" href="" target="_self">SINTA 4</a></strong><br /><br /><strong><em>Sukma: Jurnal Pendidikan</em></strong> has been published since January 2017, with ISSN: 2548-5105 (p), 2597-9590 (e) and DOI: <a title="Journal Level DOI" href=""></a>.<br /><br /><strong>Publisher</strong><br />Yayasan Sukma<br />Jln. Pilar Mas Raya Kavling A-D, Kedoya Kebun Jeruk <br />Jakarta 11520 - Indonesia<br />Telp. +62 21 583 00077 Fax. +62 21 581 8175 <br /></p> Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan 2024-07-01T00:45:52+00:00 Sabrina Rida Putri <p>This article analyzes the influence of leadership style on improving the quality of education in the educational environment. By focusing on the role of leaders in managing and directing educational institutions, this research aims to investigate the extent to which leadership style can influence the effectiveness and quality of education. The research method used includes literature analysis. The research results show that an effective leadership style can create a positive educational environment. Several leadership styles applied tend to influence on improving the quality of education. For example, a leadership style that is inspirational, inclusive, visionary, and supports the participation of school members can create a conducive environment for developing potential and improving the quality of education.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sabrina Rida Putri Perbandingan Kurikulum Sejarah di Indonesia dan Kurikulum Australia pada Tingkat Menegah Pertama 2024-07-01T00:45:52+00:00 Vebiana Anugrah Rezni Syafruddin Yusuf Alif Bahtiar Pamulaan <p>This research is a qualitative literature study research with a comparative method. The method used in this research uses the comparative research model from Bereday to present and analyze this research data. Testing the validity of the data was carried out by source triangulation which was carried out by analyzing various literature sources. The purpose of writing this article is to compare the history curriculum developed in Indonesia with that in Australia. The analysis focused on curriculum elements, materials and assessments from the two countries, namely Indonesia and Australia. The results of the analysis show that there are differences between the Indonesian and Australian history curricula, namely in terms of elements, materials and assessment. Indonesia emphasizes the formation of historical awareness and national identity, while Australia places more emphasis on developing interest, understanding and historical inquiry skills. The Indonesian system emphasizes concept and process skills, while Australia has material that is more integrated between knowledge and understanding and skills. On the evaluation side, Indonesia gives freedom to educational units, while Australia uses various types of tests. Although different in approach, both share a common focus on developing a deep understanding of history and analytical skills in students</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Vebiana Anugrah Rezni Pengaruh Minat Baca Sejarah Terhadap Kegiatan Pembelajaran Peserta Didik dalam Aliran Filsafat Pendidikan Konstruktivisme 2024-07-01T00:45:52+00:00 Anisa Nurul Febrian Sani Safitri <p>The goal to be achieved in this article is to find out how reading interest in History are related to the learning activities of students at SMA Negeri 2 Unggul Sekayu. As we know History in the school curriculum is often underestimated and even ignored because it is considered not too important, unlike Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Economics, which are exact sciences whose usefulness is clearly visible in daily activities. In the learning process, the application of philosophy is very important, one of which is the philosophy of constructivism education where this flow applies active and student-based learning, students seek and interpret their own new knowledge or material. In fulfilling the data of this article, it was done by observing interviews with teachers and students at the school, and adding references from both journals and books.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Anisa Nurul Febrian, Sani Safitri Integrasi Rapor Kurikulum Merdeka pada Sistem Informasi Akademik Sekolah Sukma Bangsa Bireuen 2024-07-01T00:45:52+00:00 Aditya Aziz Fikhri <p><em>The Merdeka Curriculum is a curriculum with a learning design that provides opportunities for students to learn calmly, comfortably, pleasantly and stress-free as well as expressing their natural talents (Rahayu et al. 2022). The independent curriculum is also an educational innovation that aims to provide more freedom for teachers and schools in developing learning materials that are relevant to the local context and student needs. With this approach, students are expected to be able to learn more independently, creatively, and according to their interests and talents. One important aspect in implementing the Independent Curriculum is how it is integrated into the system for assessing and reporting learning outcomes, such as student report cards. This integration aims to ensure that evaluation of students not only covers academic aspects, but also the development of their holistic character, skills and competencies. This journal article discusses how the integration of Independent Curriculum report cards can be implemented in the Sukma Bangsa Bireuen School Academic Information System. The academic information system that is integrated with the Merdeka Curriculum is expected to support more efficient, transparent and accurate management of assessment data. The results of the integration have been implemented in class X at Sukma Bangsa Bireuen School. With the existence of an academic information system that is integrated with the Independent Curriculum, it is hoped that a more effective learning environment can be created and supports optimal holistic development of students.</em></p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aditya Aziz Fikhri Penguatan Karakter Siswa Melalui Program P5 Dan Presisi Di SMA Sukma Bangsa Pidie 2024-07-01T00:45:52+00:00 Muchlisan Putra <p>This article aims to convey information to the public regarding the inculcation and strengthening of character values implemented by teachers to students at SMA Sukma Bangsa Pidie through the Profile Strengthening Project for Pancasila Students (P5) program and the Independent Student Character Strengthening Program through Artwork (Presisi). The research problem in this study is how the strengthening of the Pancasila student profile and Presisi activities take place at SMA Sukma Bangsa Pidie. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method. The data sources for the research are the activities of SMA Sukma Bangsa Pidie students in carrying out P5 and Presisi activities. The results obtained indicate that the process of inculcating and strengthening character values in students is very effective during the execution of these projects. Teachers accompany students in project activities and stimulate students towards the desired character traits. The characters formed include the six Pancasila profiles and 18 other characters agreed upon in the Education of Culture and National Character. As a result, every project-based learning carried out by students and teachers, especially in the P5 and Presisi programs, consistently instills and strengthens character values in students as expected outcomes of the P5 and Presisi processes at SMA Sukma Bangsa Pidie.</p><div id="gtx-trans" style="position: absolute; left: 101px; top: 159.2px;"> </div> 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muchlisan Putra BACK COVER 2024-07-01T00:45:52+00:00 site Admin 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 site Admin FRONT COVER 2024-07-01T00:45:52+00:00 site Admin 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 site Admin EDITORIAL 2024-07-01T00:45:52+00:00 site Admin 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 site Admin FRONT PAGE 2024-07-01T00:45:52+00:00 site Admin 2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 site Admin